Composting company announced 600% dividend, profit reached Rs 500 crore in Q3

Coromandel International, a product -making product for the protection of crops, has recorded a tremendous bounce in the profit in the December 2024 quarter. The company’s net profit rose by 122% to Rs 511.77 crore, compared to Rs 230.98 crore in the same quarter of last year. There is also strong growth in sales. The total sales of the company increased by 27% to Rs 6,935.19 crore in this quarter, which was Rs 5,464.15 crore in the same period last year.

The company has also gained an edge in the operating margin due to improvement in its operation and management. Pre-Tax Benefits (PBT) increased by 123% to Rs 683.12 crore, while the pre-depication profit was recorded at Rs 753.87 crore with an increase of 104%.

Announcement of interim dividend

After this spectacular financial performance, the company has announced a good news to its investors and announced an interim dividend of Rs 6 per share for the financial year 2024-25, which has 600 on the fully paid equity shares with face value re.1/- It is equal to %. Dividend will be paid on or earlier 19 February 2025 and a record date for this has been fixed on 5 February 2025.

About company

Coromandel International Limited is an Indian company that produces fertilizer, pesticides and nutritious products for farmers. Earlier its name was Coromandel Fertilizers. The company’s products help in good yield and safety of crops.

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