Sebi’s rung on Fin Influncers who have given knowledge of stock market on social media

Market regulator SEBI has set boundaries to clear the differences between those who give knowledge and financial finfyers. He has also given an explanation on sharing live trading data. The market regulator has clarified the ban on joining with unregistered units that will not use the data of the last 3 months market prices when discussing the name or code of a share that gives knowledge.

The regulator has reiterated that if an unregistered unit gives any kind of advice or recommendation on the market, it is banned. At the same time, there is a ban on claiming any returns or performance without the permission of the regulator. This explanation was released on Wednesday. In this, such situations are told in detail when a person who gives knowledge, can come under regulatory circle.

Although there is no ban on engagement with teachers, units with regulations should ensure that investors are not linked to any kind of restrictive activities.

In the last one year, SEBI has issued warning letters to more than 36 units and individuals who were working as an umptioned investment advisor. These include a person recommending shares through Telegram or other social media channels and fees as advice, while they are not registered as consultants.

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